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Session Information

9:00 - 9:40am (room 1, 2 & 3)

Room 1: Taking a whole school approach to AAC & learning with Grid

Presenter(s): Graeme Innes & Kerry Vacara, Smartbox

Suitable for: Primary & Secondary, FE & HE, Special Schools, ASN bases

This session will provide examples of how schools have implemented Grid as a whole school tool, supporting AAC and learning as well as developing staff skills and knowledge.

From choosing the right devices and version of Grid, to finding ready-made grids for the classroom that can be used again and again, this session aims to provide delegates with lots of ideas to take back to their setting and consider.

More and more we see schools using Grid as a whole school tool and in this session we will share some of the best practice from the schools we have been working with.

Room 2: Inspiration 11 is here!

Presenter(s): Jacqueline Evans

Suitable for: Primary & Secondary, Special Schools, ASN bases

Engineered for individuals with neuro differences and cognitive challenges, Inspiration is truly a lifelong tool that users employ in study, work and their personal lives. Inspiration helps users to overcome critical thinking, organisational, memory, communication and writing challenges. 

In this session, you’ll get a look at the brand-new Inspiration 11, including many updates users have specifically asked us for. Check out our new theming feature, symbols library and more.

Room 3: Providing Opportunities for Students with Complex Access Needs to Extend Their Learning Towards Conventional curricula

Presenter(s): Marion Stanton, CandLE

Suitable for: Primary & Secondary, Special Schools, ASN bases

Students with complex access needs are often channelled into learning that focuses on supporting independence, social and life skills in the community but have educators missed an opportunity to offer this kind of learning within a more academic framework? Is a focus away from academic skills potentially making it more difficult for students with complex access needs to gain relevant independence, social and life skills by taking away the context in which non-disabled students naturally develop these skills. This session will examine the experiences of some students with complex access needs who have continued to follow an academic curriculum and their consequent engagement in the key skills of independence, social skills and life skills.